About Pinocchio's Moms on the Run
How can I get involved as a volunteer for MOTR?
Moms on the Run has been very fortunate to be supported by 200 volunteers that help on Mother’s Day. Currently, we may need a few more Race Marshals for the 10K race route. Go to “ABOUT US” on the top banner and find the VOLUNTEERS & STAFF information and registration area. Someone will contact you and see how you can help Moms on the Run.
What types of cancer do you assist local women with?
We currently assist women going through treatment for breast cancer and all other women’s cancers.
How do we differ from other cancer fund raisers?
Many outstanding organizations exist to help in the research and emotional support of women with various cancers. Moms on the Run has identified the everyday financial needs of a woman impacted by women's cancers such as mortgages, rent, groceries, car payments, gas, child care and medications, and more, that become family and personal financial impracticalities as a result of the effects of treatments which may impair a women’s ability to work. Moms on the Run works very hard to make sure the money we raise goes to the bottom line with our non-profit having very little overhead.
What is the farthest point of geographical assistance?
We help women who reside in Northern Nevada.
How do you apply for assistance?
Click here to download the Financial Assistance Application and mail it to 5995 S. Virginia St., Reno, Nevada 89502.
What other events does MOTR hold to raise money?
There are four annual events held each May:
Pinocchio's Moms on the Run - our main event held every year on Mother's Day
Ride for the Tatas - a motorcycle poker run held the weekend after Moms on the Run
Pinkfest Tahoe - put on by Mary Wente and Bobo's every winter
We also have many other gracious donations and events put on throughout the year by our giving community.​
Who decides on where the money goes?
Our board of directors of Moms on the Run is responsible for the allocation of financial assistance.
Is there a limit on how much you’ll give to one recipient?
Currently, no specific maximum limit is specified. Each person’s financial situation is reviewed on an individual basis. Consideration is always given to providing financial aid to the broadest number of women possible.
Q&A with Barbara Pinocchio
Founder of Pinocchio's Moms on the Run
Q: This year, after celebrating the anniversary of Moms on the Run, can you remember coming up with the idea many years ago?
A: After watching my sister go through breast cancer, my eyes were open to the difficulties that come along with the disease, especially the financial hardships. I wanted it to be a little run from Pinocchio's restaurant so that we could give one woman struggling with breast cancer $1,000. We brought in $100,000 that first year!
Q: How did you come up with the name "Moms on the Run?"
A: Our friend Jimmy Minor was in the restaurant and when we told him the idea he just blurted it out. I guess that's why he's in advertising!
Q: What is the hardest part of organizing the event?
A: Time. Our very dedicated and hard-working board members have busy lives and they donate their time. And it is a LOT of time.
Q: Many families have made the event an annual tradition on Mother's Day. How do you feel about that?
A: It just touches my heart because many families broke their Mother's Day traditions and turned our Run into their tradition. And you hear it so often.
Q: There are many new events with proceeds benefiting MOTR. Have you been surprised at the outpouring of community support?
A: No, not surprised. Thrilled. We welcome anyone who has an idea or wants to create their own fundraiser. It's one of the things I most love about MOTR -- it shows people we're all here to help. That's why we're here.
Q: What has been your proudest moment since the start of the event?
A: The proudest moment of every year is the starting line of the Run, which shows in a very tangible way our community support.
Q: MOTR is in memory of your sister Debra. Is her memory what continues to spur you on at the helm of this organization year after year?
A: Yes. It's most definitely in her memory. The reason for MOTR was to continue Debra's unwavering generosity. She was the kind of person who, if you complimented something she was wearing she would take it off her back and give it to you.
Q: Moms on the Run is notorious for being goofy (e.g. the Bon Bon Stroll; encouraging participants to wear costumes). Is it important to you that it stays fun?
A: Yes, yes, yes! It's such a serious topic and everyone who participates has been affected one way or another. So therefore we want that morning to be light, happy, goofy. My husband JP and Jimmy Minor set the tone.
FAQ's About Breast Cancer
Information from www.nationalbreastcancer.org
Can physical activity reduce the risk of breast cancer?
Exercise pumps up the immune system and lowers estrogen levels. With as little as four hours of exercise per week, a woman can begin to lower her risk of breast cancer.
Can a healthy diet help prevent breast cancer?
A nutritious, low-fat diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables can help reduce the risk of developing breast cancer. A high-fat diet increases the risk because fat triggers estrogen production that can fuel tumor growth.
Does smoking cause breast cancer?
At this point in time there is no conclusive link between smoking and breast cancer. However, due to the number of health risks associated with smoking, quitting can significantly increase survival rates.
Can drinking alcohol increase the risk of breast cancer?
One or two drinks a day has been shown to slightly increase the risk of breast cancer. The greater the levels consumed, the higher the risk.
Is there a link between oral contraceptives and breast cancer?
There is an increased risk of breast cancer for women under 35 who have been using birth control pills for more than ten years.
How often should I do a breast self-exam (BSE)?
Give yourself a breast self-exam at least once a month. Look for any changes in breast tissue, such as changes in size, a lump, dimpling or puckering of the breast, or a discharge from the nipple. If you discover a persistent lump in your breast or any changes in breast tissue, it is very important that you see a physician immediately. However, 8 out of 10 lumps are benign, or not cancerous.
Does a family history of breast cancer put someone at a higher risk?
If you have a grandmother, mother, sister, or daughter who has been diagnosed with breast cancer, this does put you in a higher risk group. Have a baseline mammogram at least five years before the age of breast cancer onset in any close relatives, or starting at age 35. See your physician at any sign of unusual symptoms.
Are mammograms painful?
Mammography does compress the breasts and can sometimes cause slight discomfort for a very brief period of time. Patients who are sensitive should schedule their mammograms a week after their menstrual cycle so that the breasts are less tender.
How does menstrual and reproductive history affect breast cancer risks?
Women who began their menstrual cycles before age 12, have no children, or had their first child at 30 or older, or began menopause after 55 are at a higher risk.
How often should I go to my doctor for a checkup?
You should have a physical every year. If any unusual symptoms or changes in your breasts occur before your scheduled visit, do not hesitate to see the doctor immediately.
What kind of impact does stress have on breast cancer?
Although some studies have shown that factors such as traumatic events and losses can alter immune system functions, these studies have not provided any evidence of a direct cause-and-effect relationship between stress and breast cancer. An area currently being studied is whether or not stress reduction can improve immune response and slow progression in women diagnosed with breast cancer.
For more information about breast cancer including common myths and facts, please visit the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc. by clicking here.