
" ... I lost everything in one swoop due to my cancer. Moms on the Run is my bright and shining star on the horizon, encouraging me to get out of bed and help myself. I hope to be able to repay you and our community by participating and supporting your organization in the future."
- a note card received 11/26/18

"Seriously, you have made my year. I never would have thought that there were so many caring and wonderful people out there. Again, thank you. Wow super super awesome!!!! Take care and bless this life we lead :-)"
- an email received 11/1/18

"I have tried and tried to find adequate words to explain how grateful and blessed I feel for your kindness and the tremendous amount of impact that your help will have on my life right now as well as my future. I am able to draw strength and determination from this as I go through this time when I need it most..."
- an email received August 2018
from a UNR student
whose student loan had been cutoff
when she couldn't attend class
while undergoing cancer treatments

Handwritten Letters
(click each to read in full)

"I want to express my deepest gratitude for what you and Moms on the Run did for me and my family. Cancer doesn't just change one life, it changes everyone's. So thank you!"
- an email received 10/10/2018

"I am so thankful for the love and support I received from MOTR while I was going through my darkest days. I can honestly say that I couldn't have done this without you guys!"
- a note card received 11/13/18

"This card can't even begin to tell you how much your generosity has touched me. I am truly blessed! Thank you so very much for what you have done!"
- a note care received 8/30/18